It takes a few minutes to write the Kali Linux image file on your USB drive. Select the Kali Linux image file and click the start button.I am running Yosemite 10.10 on a Macbook Pro - I still have rEFInd on my mac. But with other sources, they say to rEFInd and I did so, however when restarting and accessing the boot menu, nothing happens. Use Rufus (Bootable USB drive Creator Software) tool it is a portable version, so you don’t need to install, run it, and then use it. Im wanting to create a live usb linux so I can easily access it everytime when I need it without taking up any space.Connect the USB drive to your PC and then format it.
Recommendation ⇒ To Make Kali Linux Live USB Drive, you must have at least 16 GB USB Drive and a minimum of 8 GB as we will partition USB Drive. But don’t worry, In this guide, we will show you step by step, How to create Kali Linux Live USB Persistence. The main problem with Kali Live is when we use Kali Linux live USB and make changes in Kali Linux or install new packages in Kali, everything gets wiped when we reinsert USB or restart Kali Linux. We can either install Kali Linux or use Kali Live.